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The Beijing visa crackdown has come to an end, and with it, I hope, the endless whining and complaining that I have been hearing from Americans and Western Europeans around any willing audience in the past few weeks. “China has the most outrageous visa process. This would never happen anywhere else in the world,” said a disgruntled Spanish guy waiting in line next to me in the Public Security Bureau last week when I went to get my visa renewed. Believe me, I have an Olympic gold medal in visa-related whining, and yet I nearly smacked this guy in the head.
I happened to try to get a visa to go to Spain last year. I was in South Africa at the time, I was going to a conference in Paris completely paid for by my university, and I wanted to spend two weeks in Spain after that. Both the Spanish embassy and the French one (both countries are in the common Schengen travel zone) insisted I had to travel to my home country, a mere 7000 miles away, to apply for the three week travel permit. No exceptions. After desperately emailing every single Schengen country with a presence in South Africa, I was able to get a visa through the ever-efficient Swiss. The list of required documents was so absurd, you’d think I was requesting they grant me a diplomatic passport. I even had to purchase special insurance to make sure that if I died, my body would be shipped back home. Oh, and they gave the exact number of days I had a hotel reservation for (sorry, no cumbersome dead bodies or couch surfing allowed for people from poor countries!).
I’m from Colombia, you see. That’s the country whose mention will prompt even the least internationally aware toothless Chinese old man to bring an imaginary joint to his lips and pretend-smoke it (just for the record, it’s cocaine that Colombia exports in record numbers, which you don’t actually smoke). This means that people with a passport like mine, along with Afghanis, Saudis and probably North Koreans, are well near the top of the black list of would-be visitors for any country.
People from developed nations are so used to having visa requirements waived anywhere they go that they immediately dismiss the Chinese visa requirements as the absurd whims of an autocratic regime. I have traveled to five different continents in the past two years, and China is, without a shred of a doubt, the easiest, most flexible, most welcoming country as far as visas are concerned.
Most countries have visa processes that are expensive and complicated, and at times even humiliating. To wait for four hours in a British airport terminal on the way elsewhere, I had to travel to a city with a British consulate and pay 530RMB to register my fingerprints. Oh, and the transit visa would not allow me to stay longer than 12 hours, or leave the terminal AT ALL. I’ve even sworn, the way you’d swear you won’t drink again during a particular awful hangover, that I’d never travel internationally again (I had the same success sticking to that).
Look, I’m as much in favor of free movement for all people as anyone else. But anytime I can sign up for a couple of hours of cheap Chinese classes and get a student visa (try getting an American one sometime), I feel like kissing an immigration officer, if only they weren’t growling so much.




