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Photo credit: Elizabeth Lo

About Award-winning filmmaker Elizabeth Lo and producer Emma D. Miller 

“UNTITLED MISTRESS DISPELLER PROJECT” has just officially wrapped production.

Elizabeth Lo, Director

Emma D. Miller, Producer

“The as-yet-untitled feature watches as the mistress dispeller is hired by couples in crisis to break up affairs and save their marriages by any means necessary. Shifting perspectives between husband, wife, and mistress, the film is billed as a strikingly intimate story of love and betrayal, as well as a potent exploration of how class, capital, and culture collide to shape romantic relationships in contemporary China. (Source: Deadline)

The team is currently in post-production for the rest of the year, and aiming for a 2024 festival premiere. Interested in supporting the film? You can make a tax-deductible donation via the International Documentary Association here.”

One in a Billion Productions has provided a production grant to “The Untitled Mistress Dispeller Project.” Mable Chan will be serving as a consulting producer, providing Elizabeth Lo and her team with creative input and feedback monthly during this film’s production.

Interested in donating to the film via the film’s fiscal sponsor, the IDA – visit