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When Hurricane Sandy slammed New York with its immense force and speed last week, I was ready. I stocked up on water, food, flashlights – and stayed home.
For the first time in my life in New York, I was responding to the hurricane not as a journalist on assignment, but as an ordinary New Yorker seeking safety and offering help to those in need.
I was checking on my next-door elderly neighbor – an 87 year-old widow.
I was calling and emailing friends in lower Manhattan that is infamously dubbed as Zone A (flood-prone area).
And in the days and hours of Sandy’s worst behavior blowing up Con Ed station downtown, flooding tunnels and subway stations, swallowing homes and torching neighborhoods, I was glued to updates on YouTube, Facebook, and my TV set while hunkering down in my apartment and staring at the raging Hudson River.
While following the torrent of information about Sandy’s path of destruction on Twitter and Facebook, I got a call from a school friend who was in my Japanese class in graduate school – Katya. In her shaky voice calling from upstate New York, she told me her home, just below the street level East Village was wiped out. I told her not to worry – I’d help her clean up.
The next day, another friend in West Village called back and recounted his dramatic dash from the surging Hudson towards his home. He was fine, but parts of his basement were inundated. He sounded distraught, I listened with all ears, and told him I’d swing by to visit.
Last but not least, the grandma of my 13-year old goddaughter who lives alone in the top floor of a low-rise in Chinatown – had not answered her phone for days. Grandma had previously complained of bad knees and lower back problems – I fear she was stranded without food, water or heat. I decided to go find her in Chinatown.
I spent all afternoon Saturday knocking on doors in her building on Monroe Street, talking to her neighbors holding a flashlight in the dark. Nobody knew where she was, but everyone guessed she’d left for her son’s place. These strangers I’d just met in this long, dark and dingy staircase became instant neighbors, chatting like old friends and asking me about my home and my family – all because of the storm.
Little did I know – these newfound neighbors soon spread and share the story of my visit. Later that evening, I heard from grandma! In a quintessentially Chinese manner, she apologized profusely on the phone for making me worried. I told her to stop apologizing, and that we should meet for tea the next day. We ended up spending Sunday afternoon eating dim sum in Chinatown – talking about her life, her bold move from China to the United States more than fifteen years ago, her struggle to learn English, and her decision to vote for Obama – her first vote as a U.S. citizen.
“I’m an old lady from the peasant class, and you’re a young woman from the educated class, and you’re talking to me like we’re old friends, I’m very touched. “ Grandma said, and repeated this numerous times throughout our meal.
“You’re a person, grandma. We are all part of humanity. We can all come together regardless of age, or class. You have been through a lot, I’m happy to be here with you.”
“I used to feel sorry for myself when I lost my daughter to breast cancer, and I almost lost my will to live later when I developed breast cancer myself.” She spoke in rapid-fire Fujianese-tinted Cantonese.
“Now, I feel so surrounded by love – from everyone – from you, my family, my community, and from this country, I want to live and be strong!” Grandma started raising her voice with gusto, her face beaming with a mile-wide smile.
Grandma’s story was such a heartwarming finale to cap my Sunday on a high note. While heading home on a bus, I recalled my time with Katya earlier in the day when I was helping her clean up her furniture ruined by flood water mixed with sewage. We were initially disgusted with the damage; but once we got down to work sorting out what to trash and what to keep, we started bonding in a new way. We talked about our families. She began recalling stories about her Russian father, Italian-Flemish mother, her move from Canada to the U.S. while sifting through the mountain of momentos – photos of her dad, mom, uncle, her childhood; love letters and handwritten cards from her faraway family. She cracked a smile, her mood turned cheery.  As she was gazing at this pile of  “buried somewhere,” “almost-forgotten” trove of memories – all tokens of love, I thought to myself all this – was also because of the storm.
Yes, this was a devastating deadly storm – it’s torn apart lives and homes. But this is also a storm that binds people, and leads us to re-discover love and strength in relationships we may not have thought possible.




在桑迪尽情肆虐的时间里,它吹散了下城的Con Ed大楼,淹没了地道和地铁站,吞没了家园,燃烧了社区。我盘坐在家,盯着上涨的Hudson河水的同时,时刻关注着YouTube、Facebook和电视上的最新消息。

我接到了在学校里认识的朋友,我研究生学院日语课上同学Katya的电话。她从纽约上州打来,用颤抖的声音告诉我,她在East Village街道水平面以下的家被水淹没了。我告诉她不用担心,我会帮她清理。

第二天,另一个住在West Village的朋友打电话重述了汹涌的Hudson河水如何猛烈冲击他的家。他还好,但是他家地下室的部分地方被水淹没了。他听起来很心神不宁,我专注地听着,然后告诉他我会看望他。








