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This summer marks twelve years since I have been naturalized as a U.S. citizen. On this past Independence Day, while I was sipping a bottle of water and watching the fireworks over the Hudson River through my apartment window, my mind began to travel back to my roots – to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is my birthplace–all of my family is still there. Although no one is an American citizen, my parents have been supportive of my decision to come here first for higher education, and later to settle down for my career. Over the years, I’ve traveled at least once, sometimes twice a year to see them in Hong Kong. Because of my frequent visits and connection with my family, I never thought too deeply about their quiet consent to let me choose my own path and live my own life until…this past Independence Day while I was sipping that bottle of water.

Water and roots somehow seeped into my mind along with the Chinese phrase 喝水思源 (drink water, contemplate the source). I love this Chinese idiom, which is similar to the American expression “remember where you come from.” As I remember where I come from, I am reminded of my family’s selfless love in letting me go follow my dreams to explore a new world, learn a different language, experience a foreign culture and establish my own life. I am reminded that this “American Dream” was in fact a gift I’d first received not from America, but from my Chinese family. At that moment, I felt closer to my family even though they’re thousands of miles away, and I felt even more proud of my roots because I realize in a profound way that they have never left me, no matter how far I’ve gone or changed.  In fact, the more I travel and the longer I’ve lived apart from my family, the more I appreciate the meaning of true love – it’s about trust and letting go.


我 生于香港-我的全部家人都还在哪儿。虽然他们没有一个是美国公民但是我的父母一直都很支持我赴美求学和定居。这些年以来,我一年起码会回香港一两次去探望 他们。因为我一直有跟我的家人保持联系所以不曾多想过他们默默让我追求自己的道路的决定直到这年的独立日。我喝着一瓶水开始饮水思源。

不 知这句成语如何渗入我的脑海。饮水思源跟美国的一句“要记得你从那里来”的意思大致一样。我记得我是从哪里来。同时我也感受到我家人对我无私的爱。他们让 我追逐自己的梦想离他们而去。让我赴美去学英语接触新的文化。我不会忘记给我圆美国梦机会的这份礼物其实是我家人给的。即使我与家人相隔千里我门的关系还 是很密切。我的根在香港而且从未曾离开我,不论我走到哪里。我为此感到骄傲。其实我花越多的时间在外,我越能体会和珍惜真爱的意味—就是信任与放手成全。