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Since I moved back to the United States from China two weeks ago, I’ve sometimes felt like I’m unable to integrate my experiences there with life here. There’s a gap, a disconnect. When I try to tell my friends stories about life in China, I feel like I’m blabbing on about stuff they aren’t particularly interested in. Punch lines fall flat without an understanding of cultural context. Or maybe it’s that I can’t remember what it’s like to see things from this side.

The other day I had a chance encounter with an American who had just moved back from Wuhan. He had lived there for a year, and experienced a similar sense of disorientation after he got back. I ended up chatting with him for three hours. Though he was 20 years older than me, there was so much we had in common, as Americans who had lived in China and then come back. It changes the way you see things. Chinese cities, traffic, food, people–once you’ve dug in there, you almost feel like a foreigner when dropped back in your home culture. I have to stop myself from cutting other pedestrians off, accepting items with both hands, and throwing toilet paper in the trash can. I have to remember how to use a fork, to wait in line, to tip.

In a few weeks, I’ll be used to the American lifestyle again. I’ll shed my Chinese habits and stop talking about China constantly, to the relief of my friends. But the understanding will remain. Given the chance to peel away the layers of another society, I won’t forget those impressions easily.

