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Right after graduation, I returned home to the Bay Area.

As I watched SF Giants games on TV, I simultaneously researched talent agencies and managers and sent unsolicited emails requesting the chance to audition with them for representation. The rule that I operated with, inspired by the Giants: Don’t hold back.

During their games, the outfielders were always fearless in their plays, jumping, running, and leaping for each ball no matter how high or how far it seemed to project.

Each at-bat was a powerful swing, tirelessly combining force and might with hope. No matter how intimidating, then, that an agency seemed, I still sent out an email. There was nothing to lose and I had to go for it. Take the chance and make my move, with faith instead of self-doubt.

I sent out more than 100 emails that first week.

The night before moving to LA, I started to experience cold feet. But that night I watched Giants pitcher Matt Cain pitch the first perfect game in the history of the franchise. And as I slept in my comfortable, familiar room, I thought “if Matt Cain could pitch a perfect game, nothing’s impossible.”

Keeping the Giants-infused attitude intact in LA, I realized how important optimism was in tandem with persistence. As the Giants won and lost, won and lost, they kept going. As I heard back from agencies with rejections, invitations, and auditions, I kept my head up, too.

In LA, I even caught one game, the Giants versus the LA Dodgers and I saw my black and orange prevail. That was the first week I started a new position at ABC Disney and I’d been thrown right into the great unknown of Hollywood Assistant Land. There was a script for answering phones, writing emails, and even scheduling MTGs. I balked at the simple mistakes that I was making. But I thought of my Giants in their unfamiliar terrain, and how they still won away game after away game. Even though I was away from home too, I’d maintain the work ethic I’d cultivated at school and apply it to my new environment.

As the Giants made it to the post-season, they overcame six elimination games, gaining the National League Championship pennant. It was a joyous victory and it came the night before I was set to start a new position at NBC.

I’d wrestled with the decision to leave the production company at ABC Disney, but I’d had a feeling that I would meet more people and be exposed to new opportunities at NBC. It was difficult to give my two weeks’ notice and I’d mustered up the courage with the Giants in mind.

During my second week at NBC, the Giants swept the World Series and I looked over one of the speeches that player Hunter Pence gave to his teammates during the afternoon of that first elimination game. He’d said, “Play for the name on the front, not the name on the back.”

As I continue forward in my LAdventures, I know that I am not merely working for my dream, but I am also working for my mom and sister.毕业之后,我回到了湾区。










我在NBC的第二个星期期间,巨人队横扫世界职业棒球大赛,我查看了一个演讲, 是由球员亨特·彭斯在第一个淘汰赛的那天下午讲给他的队友们的。他说,“我们是为胸前的队名比赛,不是为背上的人名比赛。”
