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It’s been a few years since I’ve made any New Year’s resolutions. I stopped making them a few years ago because I realized I could never keep them — so why bother? Early last semester though, I was having breakfast with a friend of mine, a junior at Harvard, who asked me, “What are your goals for this semester?” A simple question, but one that actually stumped me.

Frankly, I hadn’t even bothered to make any goals for the semester — “Work on my thesis?” I answered. My realization that I couldn’t name any goals that I was aiming for got me thinking that maybe having some New Year’s resolutions would actually be helpful. I think the key is making resolutions that are “bite size.” As I was telling my friend as he was packing for winter break and trying to lug six GMAT books home with him, “How many are you going to get through, honestly? Just take one,” I suggested.

Here are my 2013 resolutions. I’d love to hear yours too! We can keep each other accountable. Divided by category:

Health & Wellness
1. 50 crunches/ day.

Personal Development
1. Watch one TED talk per day during winter break (credit to my junior friend).
2. Get back into reading Fortune Magazine (at least one article per week).
3. Speak to my parents in Chinese! How many of you feel like your Mandarin is slowly deteriorating?
4. Change my email, phone, and Facebook to Chinese.
5. Be aware of my personal goal to always show compassion to those around me.

1. Work on my thesis for a minimum of two hours per day, minimum one hour per day during school weekdays.
2. Study GMAT for at least one hour per day, minimum one question per day during school weekdays.

Career Development
1. Be reading at least one “career development” / “career exploratory” book at all times.

I think that’s ambitious enough for now! I look forward to updating you on my progress. Happy New Year, and may you achieve all your New Year’s resolutions in 2013!

1. 每天做50个仰卧起坐。
1. 寒假期间每天看一集TED谈话节目。(我那位大三的朋友为我作证)
2. 重新开始读财富杂志。(至少每周一篇)
3. 用中文与我的父母对话!你们中有多少人觉得自己的普通话在退步?同时,把我的电子邮件、手机和Facebook改成中文版的。
4. 时刻铭记我的个人目标帮助身边的人。
1. 每天至少花2个小时在我的毕业论文上。上课期间每天至少花1个小时。
2. 每天至少学习GMAT1个小时。上课期间每天至少做1题。
1. 至少阅读1本有关“职业发展”/“职业生涯探索”的书。