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People always say that being a parent is the most rewarding thing. I could never have imagined until I have become one even as a new mom.

The first month after giving birth flew by in the blink of an eye. Postpartum aches made me doubt if I could ever be as nimble as before. My brain refused to work due to sleep deprivation. Walking around in my pajamas with sleepy eyes and messy hair, I functioned as if I was only a walking baby bottle. 

But when pains subsided, and when my baby slept longer stretches, I regained my strength and started truly enjoying every moment bonding with him. Though two-month-old now, our little guy has already brought us so much joy that we felt on top of the world. Gazing at his chubby cheeks, innocent eyes, button nose, and double chin, time just slipped. His cuteness melted our hearts.

Infants are the most vulnerable, but they do have a strong instinct to survive. Whenever we undressed our baby to bathe, he immediately threw out his arms with palms wide open. He was so dramatic that I couldn’t help but imagine he was singing a Broadway musical. I will give him a voiceover – SAVE ME! Then if possible, he would get hold of anything such as the collar of my pajama or my hair as if it helped to prevent him from falling. 

Babies are smart and able to be trained as early as one-month-old. When we noticed my son was fussy during diaper changing, we started conditioning him by feeding him after changing diapers. Gradually, he got excited whenever we changed him because he knew his favorite time was coming next. Seeing him kicking happily and smiling at us while we cleaned him was joyful moments that we kissed his tiny feet again and again. 

Small humans are not easy to be fooled. Their alertness is super intense. When my baby finally accepted to sleep in his crib instead of my arms, he would squint one eye, glancing around to make sure I was around after I laid him down before he drifted into sleep. I had to hold my laughter and wait for him to complete his inspection before sneaking out of his room in slow motion.

Cuddling my tiny, soft, and warm baby and hearing him gurgling, I seemed to see polar bear mom and cub snuggling in the snow; baby gorilla clinging to mommy gorilla in the woods. My heart was full of love, as pure as Antarctic ice. 

My baby is my wildest imagination who makes me appreciate the newness of life.