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I’ve met my best friends in China in the most unconventional places. I had to trek an hour and a half from Peking University to take a series of health examinations in order to apply for my residency permit. They drew my blood, did an EKG, an eye exam, and a sonogram. The next day I grudgingly headed back over to pick up the results. Another guy had done the same, and we met while in line to pay. We’ve been inseparable ever since.

I picked up another good friend in the elevator of the hotel on my first night in Beijing. We now live in the same apartment complex. I found my Spanish roommate online. I guess it was love at first click, as we are already best friends.

I admit that my method of friend making follows no normal mode of rationale and may appear on the surface to be crazy or unsafe. Decision making for me has never come from logic. If it had, my life would not be what it is today.

I’ve always used my instincts, so it comes as no surprise that this week I made two friends in another unlikely place – a traffic jam. My roomie and I were coming back in a cab from the silk market when our ears are filled with the glorious beats of techno music. We look over at the Range Rover that is playing the music. The two guys in the front seats glance our way. We make eye contact and there is no need for words because we already know what to do. The four of us start dancing. Traffic starts moving and they yell for our number. Our cab weaves through traffic and we manage to pass it off on a napkin just as they exit the highway.

The next day is Chinese National Holiday, a day to celebrate the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The guys pick us up and we spend the day racing past historical sites like Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. Our eyes take in the masses of people that crowd the streets, while our heads nod to the rhythm of techno. We rent a boat in HouHai and paddle out along the lake. I end up doing most of the paddling, as both of the guys smoke too much to be able to do strenuous exercise.

Next, the guys bring us to the home of a laobeijing ren (old Beijing person). It’s a traditional Chinese home in a hutong. This guy is the coolest person I’ve met in Beijing. He’s rocking a matching tropical shirt and short suit that he got from Thailand. The shirt is halfway open, so his chest is exposed and you can’t miss the big Buddha that hangs off his silver necklace. Vegetables grow above our heads, a tea table is out on the porch, and a hammock swings in the breeze. We sip tea, we lounge, we feast. I eat my first crab, my first pig heart and my first pig tongue. Usually I cringe at the thought of eating such food, but today is no ordinary day. We stuff ourselves with moon cake and dumplings.

Next we go to a bridge and watch as red lanterns are sent off into the autumn sky. They linger alongside the pagoda and I feel as though I’m taken back in time to another century. A beat brings me back to the present and I follow it. I follow it to a part of the square where there are no people, but a lone DJ playing techno. I start dancing again. Maybe I look crazy, but I don’t have time to care what other people think. Slowly other people come and again there’s no need for words. We follow our instincts; we dance to the beat.






接着,他们带我们去了个老北京人的家 。这是一个住在胡同里的传统的中国家庭。他真是是我在北京见过的最酷的人。他把热带衬衫和他从泰国买的短西装混搭在一块儿。这件衬衫半开,所以他的胸部暴露在外,让我的目光不禁注意到他银色项链上的佛像挂坠 。这里的蔬菜的长的比我们还高,走廊上摆着一张桌子,以及微风中吊床轻轻摇摆。我们喝着茶,懒洋洋地躺着,享受着这惬意的时光。我吃了我人生第一只螃蟹,第一个猪心和第一个猪舌。我通常不敢吃这类食物,可是注定今天是不平凡的一天。此外,我们还吃了月饼和饺子。

最后,我们去桥上看放红灯笼,当火红的灯笼飞在秋天的夜空中,徘徊在宝塔边,我似乎回到了一个世纪之前。突然,一阵音乐带回了我的思绪,我跟着它,到了广场的某个地方。这里没有人,只有一个DJ在播放着电子乐。我又开始跳舞了。也许,我看起来很疯狂,但我没有时间去思考别人怎么想。慢慢的,慢慢的,有其他人加入进来了,语言成为了无谓的交流。我随着感觉,随乐舞动 。