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Last summer in Hong Kong, I witnessed a face-off between my nephew Tin and his dad, Dave.  Dave is my older brother – a traditional, conservative Chinese businessman.  Tin is a 20-something recent graduate from college in England.

We were all chatting over a casual lunch of sushi and ramen when suddenly Dave remembered an urgent task, and hollered at his son Tin:

“Hey, Tin! Hurry, before I forget. You need to call Dr. Lee now! Or email him in Chinese right away. He’s a busy man, make sure he remembers his appointment with you next Monday.”

Tin kept eating, completely ignoring Dave.

My brother tried again: “Tin, didn’t you hear me? What did I tell you to do?”

“Why don’t YOU call? Why don’t you email him yourself on your Blackberry?” Tin retorted.

Dave looked annoyed. “I tell you to do it, and you tell me to do it? I can’t, I don’t know how to do it in Chinese on my Blackberry. Dr. Lee doesn’t read English.”

“I will do it, later.” Tin responded nonchalantly, as he continued to inhale his sushi.

“Why don’t you listen to me? Why don’t you obey me? What’s so hard?” Dave kept up his commands.

Tin stared at his dad in a classic adolescent, rebellious manner, put down his rice bowl and chopsticks and stated plainly: “I will do what I want to do when I want to do it,  NOT what you want when you want it.  I have my reasons for not contacting Dr. Lee now.”

I was stunned. I have never seen Tin talking back at his father that way.

Tin has always been obedient to his dad, especially when we’re all around as a family. All of us, including his mother and younger brother, were listening and somewhat shocked.

Dave had expected his son to do what Dave wanted since he thought it was the right thing at the right time.  Tin, on the other hand, disagreed and reacted in defiance. Tin follows his own sense of reason and timing. That’s what he expects of himself as an independent-minded individual.

Days later, I told this “face-off” story to a close family friend Tim (a Hong Kong born,

Chinese-American man who’s lived in Chicago for 20 years). Tim was shocked too.“Wow – your brother must feel he’s lost face!” Tim started cracking up with his belly-laugh. He and my brother grew up together. Tim continued, “His beloved son blew him off in front of his whole family at lunch!” Tim kept on laughing.

I never thought about it as a “face” matter until Tim put it that way.  But he may be right. What do you think?













