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It’s a common past time to watch with a little disgust and a little condescension as local students slurp, burp and rush through a bowl mixed of rice, meat, vegetable and oil at the Peking University canteens. After almost a semester spent here studying with them, I’ve come to learn that the root causes may be things that are hard for us to comprehend.

Everyone knows the important role food has always played in China, like attributing good fortune and wealth based on the sound connotations of dishes eaten during Chinese New Year (for example Fish refers to “forever more”). Yet when I look around the canteens serving mass produced food scattered across Peking University, it seems most people now see food more as a temporary stop between classes and study than for the enjoyment.

It is not pretty, but very efficient. Many students eat with headphone cords wrapped around chopsticks and plates. Those sitting facing the television have their eyes up, helplessly sucked in. One hand shovelling food into the mouth, one hand reading and typing into their mobile phones. And then up before the last bite is swallowed.

Not until you hang out with them and talk with them do you realise that you have been watching the leaves and branches of the tree. Sometimes that is all you want to see. One of the first classmates I met told me he was one of the few out of 650,000 students who took the entrance exam in Guangdong to make it to Peking or Qinghua University (the two most prestigious institutions in a country where education is still one of the few means to transcend birth). Large ceremonies were held to celebrate their success at his township and high school, with donations and gifts coming from everyone. Such cases are commonplace here. These students shoulder not only the burden of themselves and their families, but the pride of an entire city sits heavily on their shoulders.

Maybe there is no time to idle at food under such extreme pressure, or maybe these kids feel they have no right to sit and eat slowly whilst the expectations of thousands await at home. Whatever the case, I will try to understand a little the next time someone reveals their half chewed eggplant and beans whilst telling me their secret grief and joy.




