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I have always thought part of the reason that I went into academia is that I have always loved my relationship with books, at times even more than my relationship with people. Paper is more patient than man, as the saying goes.
Don’t get me wrong: I am not your hide-behind-the-library-shelves-and-come-out-only-for-food type of PhD student. I enjoy talking to people (and coming up with appropriate responses), getting to know them over shots of espresso and tequila or simply being in their pleasant company. Yet, the relationship with books is of an entirely different kind. There is no drama, no insecurity, no “why doesn’t he call me back” or “I don’t think this is working anymore.” It seems that books are always there–waiting.
We sociologists sometimes use the phrase “going into the field” when setting out to do interviews or participant-observations. This phrase creates an illusion that there exists a “field”– a separate and exotic sphere out there that is specifically for human interactions and relationship. For me, “going into the field” always comes with a sense of anticipation. It sends down a tingly feeling down my spine the same way “going on to field trip” did when I was a little girl.
The anticipation comes with a question mark: What is out there that you will not find in books? I once confessed to a good friend who is also a fellow PhD student about the fear I have before every project that requires field research: What if I cannot find enough respondents? What if my respondents have decided they do not want to talk to me anymore? What if they don’t show up?  What if? What if?
This fear intensified after I started my first project in the US. Where do I find respondents when, as a newcomer, I barely know anyone in the area? How do I make sure nothing is lost in translation? What about the cultural differences? “If I could,” I told my friend, “I would base all my future projects on archival research and just stay in the library.”
Even so, at the end of the day, things have turned out fine. I managed to find enough people who were willing to talk with me and came home to some of the longest nights in my life for interview transcribing. As I listened to our voices replaying in the empty room, it was finally clear that how to handle the “what-if”s is the integral part of every human relationship– which you will not get with books. What is even more wonderful about being a Chinese researcher doing fieldwork in another country (in my case, the US) is that such interactions with other people in the field is not only meaningful for answering the sociological questions- it is also a chance to see another place at a greater depth. There is always the possibility for cross-cultural comparison, and through such comparisons, I am able to understand my home country even better.
True, books are always there, waiting and drama-free. But humans surprise you. With the “what-if”s comes the possibility- the possibility of a broken heart and the possibility of the “happily-ever-after”; the possibility of failing and the possibility of making it. It still feels amazing how my respondents have shared with me a slice of their lives when not long ago, we were complete strangers. As one of my respondents said, we sometimes underestimate people, and their ability to share and understand.
So next time you ask yourself about the “what-ifs” remember: This is where the fun is.







