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Now that I think about it, I have not talked to my best friend for almost three months–and no, there is no drama, fall-out or anything of that sort. She is currently working on her Master’s degree in Germany and it seems that the time difference (and our busy schedule) has also made staying in touch a bit difficult.

Some might say that if you truly want to stay in touch with someone, nothing (neither the time difference nor geographical distance) can stop you. “Amor omnia vincit”- love conquers all, especially excuses. However, here is the other side of the story.

One of my favorite Chinese sayings on human relationship goes like this: The friendship between noble men runs like water (君子之交淡如水). The lesson is that true friendship is often unpretentious- -it does not need to be “maintained” or “polished” often. After three months of living our separate lives, when I do talk to my best friend, we can re-connect immediately. A lot might have happened in these three months, but nothing about our relationship has changed.

However, we now live in a world that pays great attention to “networking.” Different online social networks promise a “faster connection with more people.” Sociologists for decades have been talking about how weak ties (for example, relationship with a friend’s friend) could help you gain an edge in labor market. “Friend” has become a term that we use rather loosely, and freely. It seems that networking–building relationships with other human beings–becomes such an integral part of our pursuit of success. On the other hand, it also draws on a utilitarian sense of finding stepping stones.

So what is a friend? What do you want from connecting with people? Is the old saying still relevant in this new world? These are the questions.




